New Short Film
We have released a new short film called On The Market, written and directed by Suzy Jane Hunt. Filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, it follows a woman struggling to find work in a rapidly changing environment, as her personal beliefs and the reality of those beliefs collide. You can watch the film here.
“Bette Davis Ain’t For Sissies” premieres on Broadway On Demand
The one-woman show “Bette Davis Ain’t For Sissies” written and performed by Jessica Sherr and directed by Karen Carpenter was filmed and edited by Glamsmash Productions and premiered on the streaming service Broadway On Demand on Friday, March 26. To watch the show, click here.
We’ve updated our website!
The website has been updated so that we can better provide the latest news about Glamsmash Productions and the work we are doing. While you are here, please check out the latest Featured Videos and news posts.